Roof Repair

Roof Repair Services

Roof Repair Services

We at Solid Roofing and Design understand that your roof–your home’s essential guardian–won’t live forever. While it is common for slate, concrete, or copper roofs to last you 50 years or even more, roofs made of asphalt shingles last for shorter periods. For this reason, we recommend having our technicians inspect your roof every three years and carrying out spot checks at least twice annually to identify potential problems that could require repairs. Here are some of the warning signs to look out for:

Interior Damage

It’d help to pay special attention to your home’s upper floors and the attic in particular. They may reveal signs of interior damages such as moldy or stained wood, dam spotting, or rotting resulting from inside leaks. 

Bad and Missing Shingles

Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Shingles ought to be flush with your roof. If they are cracked, curled, or damaged, they show that your roof’s integrity has been compromised, and so it needs repairs.
  • If your tiles or shingles are missing, do a prompt replacement to prevent any further damages.
  • As you clean your gutters bi-annually, ensure to look out for shingle granules as they could stem from deterioration and are a wake-up call to get new shingles.
  • Keep an eye out for ice dams that result from ice build-up in the gutters. Left unattended, they could displace plywood and shingles.

Loose Material

Vents, skylights, and chimneys are some of the common areas where seepage could occur. Therefore, ensure that any cracks, breaks, and flashing around them are sealed. We understand that older homes have roof cement as flashing, but modern metal systems are a better option because of their durability. For this reason, you could consider reflashing your roof as a preventive measure.

Moss Buildup

If you notice dark streaks on your roof, it is a sign that algae are adhering to your roof. You can wash away the lines using water and bleach and later on rinse it with your garden hose at low pressure. In situations where the build-up is excessive, or you notice the presence of fungi or mold, this could be an indication of trapped moisture that could cause your roof to cave in. In this case, use a stiff brush to get rid of the moss but be sure to call a roofing contractor to be certain there aren’t more underlying issues.

Are you in need of roof repair in Los Angeles? Our Los Angeles roof repair technicians are here for all your roofing needs.                

Roofing Installation and and Repair Services in Los Angeles

Solid Roofing and Design has been recognized as one of the strongest names in the Los Angeles roofing industry. With thousands of satisfied customers to back the reputation we are so proud of today, we strive to treat each customer as if they are our only one, and each roofing job as if it were a job on our own home.