Commercial Roofing

Commercial Roofing

Commercial Roofing Services

When shopping for a new roof, your building’s health is the most crucial thing to keep in mind. Therefore, factors such as longevity, energy efficiency, and weather variations are critical to keeping in mind. Every commercial roof type comes with its pros and cons, and deciding on one option is quite an uphill task because of the various options available. We at Solid Roofing and Design understand this dilemma and have listed the different commercial roofing options and the environments they are best suited for to help you arrive at a decision faster.

Metal Roofing

Because of its 40 to 60-year lifespan, metal roofing is among the most popular commercial roofing options. Various roofing systems are available, and some are even accompanied by integrated solar or snow removal systems.

Here are some of the most common metal commercial roofing materials:

  • Copper 
  • Tile sheets 
  • Corrugated galvanized steel
  • Stainless or coated steel

Metal roofing has an aesthetically pleasing finished look, strong fire resistance, and compared to other options, it is more sustainable and stronger. The downside? Metal is highly susceptible to corrosion.

Built-up Roofing Membrane

Built-up roofing could last you 20 years or longer if cared for properly. It is made by alternating gravel and tar layers. The number of layers largely affects cost and durability. It is affordable, and carrying out repairs on it is very easy. Also, it is one of the most flexible roof types. Additionally, it holds up well to foot traffic and is UV-resistant. The major disadvantage of this roofing type is its short lifespan and the difficulty of identifying the source of leaks.

Green Roof

A green roof could last you up to 50 years. They comprise a tough waterproof membrane covered entirely by green plants. These roof types not only improve the quality of air in your space but also add a green space for your employees’ rest.

Advantages include improved aesthetics, possible utility, and government incentives, and protection from the elements. Often these roofs have sophisticated drainage and water management, sensor, and climate control capabilities. The green roof’s major con is the high maintenance and monitoring requirements.

Spray-on Roofing

Put shortly, Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is a material that starts as a liquid spray that with time expands into a foam that eventually hardens into a solid layer. This eco-friendly roofing option is spread on top of an existing roof. Although little is known about it, this roof has been in existence since the early 1960s. This roofing system waterproofs and acts as an insulating factor. What’s more? You can use it in any climate, and it could last you up to 50 years. The downside, however, is that this type of roof is limited to favorable weather conditions and requires regular maintenance.

Are you in need of commercial roofing in Los Angeles? Our Los Angeles commercial roofing experts will come to your rescue. With decades of experience to our name, we are your to-go roofing contractor. Reach us at Solid Roofing today to enquire about our services.

Roofing Installation and and Repair Services in Los Angeles

Solid Roofing and Design has been recognized as one of the strongest names in the Los Angeles roofing industry. With thousands of satisfied customers to back the reputation we are so proud of today, we strive to treat each customer as if they are our only one, and each roofing job as if it were a job on our own home.